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Die Suche lieferte 1423 Ergebnisse:
Re: Klassenzimmer für Muggelkunde_
von Florence am 24.03.2013 18:21*keine Ahnung habe, was für ein Thema es sein könnte*
*die Stunde schließlich für alle ist und der Lehrplan damit über den Haufen geworfen wird*
*nur dasitze und warte*
//Wieso kann man uns nicht einmal sagen, was dran kommt? Machen das alle Lehrer?//
*missmutig denk*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Klassenzimmer für Muggelkunde_
von Florence am 24.03.2013 17:41*herein komme*
*eine ausdruckslose Miene aufgesetzt habe*
*Leonora seh*
*sie gerade von der Anführerin der GLO angesprochen wird*
*ihr deshalb nur flüchtig zunicke*
//Arme Leonora... Erst die GFT und jetzt das...//
*denke und den Gedanken sofort schütze*
*setze mich an den Rand in der ersten Reihe*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Statue der buckligen Hexe
von Florence am 23.03.2013 15:05[Mir auch!^^]
*muss mir ein Lachen verkneifen*
*Angel wirklich süß finde, auch wenn ich's nicht gern zugebe*
*merke, dass Daventa mich mustert*
*so tue, als würde ich es nicht merken*
*die Zeit nutze und im Stehen weiterzeichne*
[Schade ]
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Statue der buckligen Hexe
von Florence am 23.03.2013 14:55*lächle Angel an*
*sie schließlich ebenfalls Außenseiterin ist und ja nichts verbrochen hat, weshalb ich ruhig mal nett sein kann*
Schon okay.
*lächelnd mein*
*dann Daventa hör*
*aufstehe und mir mein Zeug unter den Arm klemm*
*meine neutrale Miene wieder aufsetz*
*sie neutral begrüße*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Statue der buckligen Hexe
von Florence am 23.03.2013 14:47*aus dem Augenwinkel Angel kommen seh*
*sie mir allerdings kaum gefährlich scheint und deshalb seelenruhig weiterzeichne*
*merke nach einer Weile, dass ich sie gar nicht hab weitergehen sehen*
*drehe mich um und sehe Angel*
*zucke erschrocken zusammen*
*schlage reflexartig meine Unterlagen zu*
*sehe dann Daventa*
*sage lieber nichts, da sie aus der AOELG ist*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Statue der buckligen Hexe
von Florence am 23.03.2013 14:37*komme her*
*schaue mir die Statue eine Zeit lang an*
*setze mich auf den Boden*
*beginne, sie abzuzeichnen*
*mache mir an den Rand der Zeichnung ein paar Notizen mit Tinte*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schreibpartner
von Florence am 23.03.2013 14:36Okay, Sekunde
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schreibpartner
von Florence am 23.03.2013 14:30Darf ich Angel haben?♥ Ich find sie so sausüß Also Angel&Flo?
@Deino: Wenn du willst kannst du Savera freimachen Oder du mischt dich bei Angel und Flo ein
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schreibpartner
von Florence am 23.03.2013 14:25Hat noch jemand 'nen Chara für mich über?^^
Hab Flo und Seiren, allerdings könnt ich auch noch Savera frei machen
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Rate the User
von Florence am 23.03.2013 13:08Profilbild: 9, ist hübsch
Sigi: ebenfalls 9! Das Bild ist einfach wunderschön! Dafür gibt's die volle 10! Aber der Text stört mich ein wenig :/
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.