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27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Sherin Nour (arabische Schule)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:51

*der Zauber diesmal daneben geht*
*er weiter auf Sherin zurast*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Aidan McFlaherty (Dallavaja)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:44

*die Klatscher zu beiden Seiten über Aidan hinwegschießen*
*sie den Angriff gleich erneut starten*
*der Verwandlungszauber funktioniert*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Aidan McFlaherty (Dallavaja)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:39

*der Klatscher sich umwendet und dadurch dem Zauber ausweicht*
*er direkt wieder auf Aidan zurast*
*von der anderen Seite ein weiterer Klatscher kommt*
*sie beide gleichauf sind*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Aidan McFlaherty (Dallavaja)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:34

*Aidan jetzt auf der letzten Gerade ist*
*sofort ein Klatscher ihn zu attakieren beginnt*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Aidan McFlaherty (Dallavaja)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:30

*der Hippogreif dem ersten Fluch ausweichen kann*
*der zweite ihn dann aber trifft*
*er bewegungsunfähig in die Wasserstelle platscht*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Aidan McFlaherty (Dallavaja)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:23

*der Hippogreif die Vögel allesamt mit einem großen Flügelschlag davonscheucht*
*er Aidan dann wieder näher kommt*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Sherin Nour (arabische Schule)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:22

[Ich spreche kein arabisch ;D Die Gedanken überlese ich immer^^]

*es ein bisschen blutet aber nicht unbedingt eine schlimme Verletzung ist*
*jedoch bereits der nächste Klatscher auf sie zurast*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Aidan McFlaherty (Dallavaja)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:18

*ein paar Vögel auftauchen, die aber ohne Befehl fröhlich herumfliegen*
*Aidan den Gegenstand jetzt nehmen könnte, der Hippogreif sich dann aber auf ihn stürzen würde*
*er sich irgendwie Zeit/Abwehr verschaffen müsste*
[Ist das einigermaßen verständlich? :s ^^]

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Sherin Nour (arabische Schule)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:13

*der Klatscher explodiert*
*die Teile durch die Gegend fliegen*
*ein spitzes, aber kleines Teil sich in Sherins Oberarm bohrt*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Aidan McFlaherty (Dallavaja)

von Florence am 16.04.2013 20:12

*der Zauberspruch bewirkt kleine Wesen auf jemanden losgehen zu lassen*
*allerdings keine kleinen Tiere hier sind, die auf den Hippogreif losgehen könnten*
*Aidan den Gegenstand im Wasser glitzern sehen kann*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.

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