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Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 19:02Gruppen sind kindisch
*schlicht antworte*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 18:58Sie nehmen auch die Klügsten.
*neutral sage*
Aber ich habe abgelehnt
*gelassen hinzufüg*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 18:51Ich weiß, danke
*neutral antworte*
*dann ihre Frage höre*
*entschieden sage*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 18:45Fünfzehn
*neutral antworte*
*natürlich weiß, wie alt sie ist*
*mir vor allem über berühmte Personen nicht sehr viel verborgen bleibt*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 18:41Das ebenfalls
*bei dem Gedanken an diese wieder in einen kühlen Ton verfalle*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 18:01Das stimmt zwar, aber sie tun Muggel und Muggelstämmigen nicht immer was. So lange sie sich zurückhalten, ist es ja in Ordnung. Dann interessieren sie mich nicht ein Bisschen.
*neutral sage*
Aber wenn sie doch etwas tun, dann halte ich sie nicht nur für böse, dann sind sie auch böse.
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 17:45Bin ich
*nickend sage*
*das kein Geheimnis ist*
Aber das hat rein gar nichts mit meiner Einstellung zu tun
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 17:36Das ist Jahrhunderte her
*weiterhin etwas kalt sage*
Zauberer haben keine Angst vor Muggeln. Sie sind auch nicht an deren Erfindungen interessiert, sonst hätten sie sich diese längs zu Eigen gemacht
*überzeugt sage*
*mir der Gedanke, dass Reinblüter neidisch sind, noch nie gekommen ist*
*es mir ziemlich surreal vorkommt und ich deswegen nicht weiter auf diese Bemerkung eingehe*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 17:27Wissen ist Macht, aber nicht das Wissen der Muggel
*überzeugt sage*
Wüssten die Muggel von der Zauberwelt würden die Ministerien der ganzen Welt alles daran setzen, die Gedanken jedes einzelnen auszulöschen
*meine Stimme wieder kalt klingt*
Dass Reinblüter Muggelstämmige hassen ist eine vollkommen absurde Sache. Sie gönnen uns die Magie nicht. Sie wollen allein sein, die einzigen, die über diese Macht besitzen. Und am besten jeden Muggel, der diese Macht erlangt, vernichten und den Rest gleich dazu
*mein Ton beim Reden immer eisiger geworden ist*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Schulbibliothek
von Florence am 24.01.2013 17:17Einige, es gibt schließlich sehr viel mehr Muggel, als Zauberer
*bestätigend sag*
Aber Zauberer und Hexen sind mächtiger. Magie ist Macht
*kurz ein Blitzen in meinen Augen auftaucht*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.