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Re: Ravenclaw-Gemeinschaftsraum
von Florence am 06.02.2013 20:59*jetzt nicht mehr mitreden kann*
*allerdings weiterhin gespannt zuhöre*
[schade :/ bye]
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Ravenclaw-Gemeinschaftsraum
von Florence am 06.02.2013 20:38Italienisch?
*erstaunt sage*
Wie schön! Meine Eltern waren vor meiner Geburt jeden Sommer dort. Ich bin nach der Stadt Florenz benannt, nur die schreibweise haben sie zum Glück etwas stilvoller gewählt
*leicht lache*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Ravenclaw-Gemeinschaftsraum
von Florence am 06.02.2013 20:28*mich wieder an Leonora wende*
*schließlich immernoch möchte, dass sie mir vielleicht irgendwann hilft*
*dies allerdings noch nicht verraten werde, besonders nicht, wenn jemand aus ihrer "verfeindeten" Fraktion dabei ist*
Was ist das?
*freundlich frage*
*einen Blick auf Leonoras Lernutensilien werfe*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Ravenclaw-Gemeinschaftsraum
von Florence am 06.02.2013 20:07*aus Lycias Tonfall schließe, dass die zwei sich wohl nicht allzusehr zu mögen scheinen*
//GFT oder allgemeine Unsympathie?//
*mich innerlich frage*
*keine voreiligen Schlüsse ziehen will und das Gespräch weiterhin beobachte*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Ravenclaw-Gemeinschaftsraum
von Florence am 06.02.2013 19:58Schön
*freundlich auf ihre Antwort sage*
Ganz gut eigentlich, danke der Nachfrage
*lächelnd antworte*
Ich hab auch schon ein paar Bekanntschaften gemacht. Zwei Mädchen aus Ravenclaw haben mich recht nett aufgenommen, obwohl zumindest eine der beiden in der Heavens Elite ist.
*von gestern mit Zola und Alicia erzähle*
*dann Lycia kommt*
*unverbunden freundlich antworte*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Ravenclaw-Gemeinschaftsraum
von Florence am 06.02.2013 19:49Ganz gut
*freundlich antworte*
Ich hab die letzte Kürbispastete abgekriegt
*sie einfach mal über diese belanglose Sache in Kenntnis setze*
Und dir?
*der Höflichkeit halber und auch, weil es mich irgendwie wirklich interessiert frage*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Ravenclaw-Gemeinschaftsraum
von Florence am 06.02.2013 19:40*vom Abendessen aus der großen Halle komme*
*recht gute Laune habe, da ich die letzte Kürbispastete erwischt habe*
*mich hinsetze und bemerke, dass Leonora in meiner nähe sitzt*
Hallo, Leonora
*sie freundlich lächelnd begrüße*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Große Halle
von Florence am 05.02.2013 20:12Muss schrecklich sein mit so einer Tante
*lachend sag*
*Venus Blick bemerke, allerdings weiterhin nicht darauf eingehe*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Große Halle
von Florence am 05.02.2013 20:03*ihr Vorhaben vorhin ja mitbekommen hab*
*grinsen muss*
Ohne euch wäre sie völlig aufgeschmissen!
*jetzt auch lache*
*Venus zwar bemerkt habe, sie allerdings völlig ignoriere*
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.
Re: Assoziationskette (Harry Potter)
von Florence am 05.02.2013 19:57Narbe
They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.