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27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 16:48

*leicht die Augen verdrehe*
*wieder knapp sage*
*mein Tonfall immernoch ziemlich hart ist*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 16:44

Ich sollte dich hassen.
*mich knapp verbessere*
*so wenig wie möglich sagen will*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 16:23

*sein Ton es nicht gerade viel besser macht*
Ist es aber.
*finster sage*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 16:19

*nur leicht die Schultern zucke*
Da kann man nichts machen, so muss es nunmal sein.
*beide Fragen damit beantworte*
*in neutralem Ton sage*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 16:09

Weil du aus der Heaven's Elite bist und ich die HE hasse.
*mein Ton sich nicht ändert*
Und ich bin eine Außenseiterin.
*knapp sage*
Deshalb hasst du mich.
*bestimmend mein*
*mich wieder umdrehe*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 08.03.2013 16:10.


27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 16:02

*mich umdrehe*
*die Arme verschränke*
*ihn ausgiebig mustere*
Einverstanden. Fangen wir bei Null an. Ich kenne dich nicht, du kennst mich nicht.
*kurz stoppe*
Und dabei bleibt es auch.
*in hartem Ton sag*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 15:55

*nur leicht die Augen verdrehe*
*dazu nichts weiter sage*
*ein Stück herunter klettere*
*dann das letzte bisschen springe*
//Dazu musst du nichts mehr sagen.//
*mich selbst ermahne*
*gehen will*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 15:41

*innerlich genervt denke*
*äußerlich allerdings eine komplett gleichgültige Miene habe*
Das könnte ich dich ebenfalls fragen.
*in neutralem, leicht kühlem Ton antworte*
*meine Stimme ziemlich fest und entschlossen klingt*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 15:30

//Oh bitte..//
*genervt denke*
//Wird der jetzt hier sesshaft, oder was?//
*irgendwie wütend auf ihn bin*
*leise aufstehe*
*ganz nah am Stamm bleibe und versuche über die Äste auf die andere Seite zu gehen*
*der Baum ja ziemlich dick ist*
*dort mit etwas Geschick 'runterklettern und abhauen könnte*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.



27, Weiblich


(ehem.) Ravenclaw Hogwarts Hexeninstitut von Salem Abschluss MuggelstämmigI Neutral GFT Anführer Schulsprecher Okklumentik Legilimentik Ministerium O.K. Ehrenmitglied

Beiträge: 1902

Re: Großer alter Baum

von Florence am 08.03.2013 15:23

*Caelum herkommen seh*
*knapp denk*
*mein Lächeln sofort verschwindet*
//Jetzt bloß keinen Muchs..//
*verbissen denk*
*kein Geräusch mehr mache*
*ja nichtmal einfach und unbemerkt von hier verschwinden kann, was mich wirklich ärgert*

It may be stormy now, but it's not gonna rain forever.


They say "If you don't swim you'll drown". But what about floating? Just collecting your thoughts, gathering all your strength while observing the people surrounding you, who desperately try to wave their limbs and keep their heads above the water. And later, when you're finally ready, you get out of the fucking river and live your life however you want without listening to stupid sayings.

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